Diagnose & Servicetools / Infrastructure components / Man. Diagnose Switches

Webinar 13:00 – 13:30

Planning of heterogeneous/convergent OT-Networks outside TIA-Portal, E-Plan or MS-VISIO




With the classic available network tools like TIA-Portal, E-Plan or MS-VISIO, it is no longer possible to design networks in which more as one homogeneous controller, or additional applications for visualization, cameras applications, printer or data server works.

Like in the IT-world, a separate network planning tool is necessary which can plan and draws across all controllers and applications in the network.

network parameters to be planned:

  • expected netload in depends of the chosen update time
  • planning of additional netload about other applications like Scada, camera, printer, remote access, data server
  • line deepness
  • number of devices
  • ip addresses and sub-nets
  • VLAN planning and check
  • PLC data throughput

Infrastructure-device parameters to be planned:

  • necessary number of switches and ports in the network
  • part lists
  • connection lists
  • backbone structure
  • backplane capacity
  • throughput
  • access or distribution layer switches are necessary
  • VLAN lists

network drawings and accessories:

  • drawing of network structure with all devices and active/passive network infrastructure components

In this lecture we show with a real-live application, how fast four actually homogeneous designed networks turn into a heterogeneous one due to the need of a remote access possibility. This meant for the PLC commissioning guys, now there was a VLAN separation of the four networks, a VLAN router and the VLAN adjustment in the switches necessary. A good and real network planning tool supports you.

Door René Heidl, Indu-sol (namens Prokorment)

Dit webinar is Engelstalig

PROmesh Diagnostic Switches

Managed Diagnose Switches





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